Best Integrated amp for Wilson Audio Sasha

Thinking of the Gryphon Diablo, Acuphase E560, Passlab Nt-150 or Dartzeel 8550 for the Sasha. Any recommendation from those using this speaker?
I've not used Wilson speakers before, however, there's a nice Boulder 865 recently listed for $7K that you may want to add to your list.

If price where no object, the VAC Phi Beta integrated would be at the top of my list. I think there's a demo listed for around $10K.
I tend to like tubes with Wilson speakers. VTL, Vac, Audio research and Antique Sound Labs Hurricanes
I have heard the Burson PI-160 can handle most of the speakers i've used. Worth checking.
I used my Musical Fidelity M3 NuVista on my friends Sasha and it did a very good job.