audio research REF 150


who heard it ?
how does it sounds compared to the REF 110 ?

Very much I believe. I had listened to the Ref 210 with about 787 joules years back and can say without qualification that the Ref 150 sounds, feels and was in all areas of perception much more powerful than the Ref 210. It drives the Sashas very well. Overcomes the low impedance and punishing phase angle such that I don't detect it as an issue. I heard the D'agostino stereo amp in my system in a head on contest against the Ref 150 for a few days and listened carefully to the differences all around but especially around 80-100k. The Ref 150 held its own with only minimal tube-induced slack in this area. But that was attributable more to the sound of tubes vs solid state than any lack of power. BTW, I loved the Dag and intend to eventually purchase it as a solid state alternative to the Ref 150. But it will not supplant the Ref 150 which remains my fav amp under 30k that I have ever heard. The Ref 110 was not in the top 5 in that category even though I appreciated its synergy in an all ARC system.
Just do it.
I don't know how it sounds compared to the Ref 110, but I can assure you that the Ref 180 betters the Ref 150 in all ways, and it should be available in a few years. You might want to wait.
I hope they do come out with a new amp soon. That way I can buy a ref150 at 50% off. As soon as the Ref150 came out you could buy a Ref110 for 50% off.
@Pinkus -- is your reference (pun) to the Ref 180 a tongue in cheek quip, or is there a Ref 180 prototype out there? If true, I can't wait for it to come out for all the reasons Taters says.
As a long-time owner of the Ref 110, powering Maggie 3.6R's, the 150 should be plenty of power for just about anything. I loved the 110 - it was solid, bloomy, no-nonsense, and built like a tank. A beautiful piece of audio work.