Amps Using the 211 Tube

All things being equal (built quality, part quality, good design, etc) will a SE amp using the 211 tube sound better (I know it is subjective) than SE amps using other more typical tubes such as 6L6, etc? I want to know if there is something special about an amp using the 211 tube as far as sound quality.
Thank you
I love DHT tubes!
But I agree with onemug, just about any answer concerning audio components/sound could begin with "It all depends"
The other amp that I liked with the large Horn speakers was not a Raysonic.It was the JAS Array 2.1 and uses 805 tubes for output.I am told that they are smoother (less grain) than comparable 845 based amps.The 805 tubes are similar in sound to the 211 tubes and have that "you are there" live quality to their sound.
Please do not put a blanket statement on the sound of a particular tube. 211 can sound very different depending on the operating point and the output transformer one chooses.
I do not have a great deal of experience with SET amps.I have owned and currently own a number of EL-34,6550 and KT-88 based amps.Some are/have been wired for both ultralinear and SET operation.With my speakers and in my room I have preferred the higher power output of ultralinear or push/pull operation.

My experience with 211 (and 805) amps have for the most part been in the large listening room of a local retailer driving large/efficient horn based speakers (SQ H-12 and H-15).My comments are restricted to those amps that I have named in that room,driving these particular speakers.There are times when I wish I could pack-up my clothes & toothbrush and move to that room!!!
I think you meant your amps can switch between ultralinear and triode push-pull, not switchable to SET circuit, correct?