Magnepan 1.7 too bright, HELP

I just bought a used 6 month old Magnepan 1.7 and hooked them to my old system, which consists on a Deonon 2900 Universal player, Emotiva USP Preamp and Rotel 1080 power amp and use anticables for speaker connections, and monster cables for interconnects.

The sound is too bright for me, I used the provide 1 ohm resisters, still too bright, any recommendations.
Of course all cables may sound different on different systems, however, I find Anti-Cables very flat in frequency a matter of fact, I tried almost every cost no object cables in my system, and Anti-Cables were the best. Magnapans are hard to drive and if the Rotel is having problems and clipping than you will hear what could be a bright sound. Replacing the Anti-Cables with Cardas for instance will get you a more mellow sound, but increase the "mud" along with it. Rotel amps are good for the money, but not the last word in performance. Maggies ARE good for the money AND in the upper reaches of performance.
here are all of the options

1- new power cables - try shunyata viper only 100 bucks
2- new speakers cables - try regular radioshack cables
3- panels for sides and front wall - or heavy drapes on front wall
4- try hifi fuses on the speakers - I use them and love them
5- get a thick rug
6- make sure the sub is set properly sometimes its set to take the lows at too low a rate meaning have the sub only take on 40 and below pushing the lows to the speakers
7- change the size of the speakers in your denon - either from large to smallor or small to large
8- add a second sub
Yes, change out the Anticables--they are nothing but glorified coathangers that make great antennas--no bass at all.
First and foremost, make certain your speakers are set up properly in the room. Go to the cardas website. Also, see Jim Smith's book.

Then, make certain the first reflection points are dampened properly, e.g., RealTraps.

Mangnepans are very difficult and time consuming, IMO, to set up properly.
Wow, I don't agree with any of these suggestions, and that's odd on A'gon. Your amp is bright, and not powerful enough to drive the panels. I suggest you try and find a used innersound ESL or a Wyred 4 sound 500. Also when i have heard the Emotiva gear it has sounded VERY bright.