I hope that you receive yours too. It is simply amazing! People who posted their positive experiences here are right on the money! You will forget the period spent waiting once you hear the preamp out of the box!
Very special indeed! Currently, I am using the ff(pictures in my system link).
Tungsol 5881's
RCA Red Base 5692
Sovtek 5AR4 (Mullard metal base in transit already!)
Tungsol 6C4 and Amperex BB 6DJ8 for phono.
I am not worthy to own this preamp IMHO!
Very special indeed! Currently, I am using the ff(pictures in my system link).
Tungsol 5881's
RCA Red Base 5692
Sovtek 5AR4 (Mullard metal base in transit already!)
Tungsol 6C4 and Amperex BB 6DJ8 for phono.
I am not worthy to own this preamp IMHO!