High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Dave, 600 hours? I was using the Panny digital amp for burn in of the UR speaker cables, I purchased a couple of 8 ohm 250 watt resistors some years back, Been running the Panny for another 100 hours so I'm at 450 hours. The resistors were one of the best purchases for making sure my amps see a load and has now done double duty with burning in the speaker cables. 2 more weeks I should be just about there, running the Panny 24/7 with after a few days give it a 2 hour break to cool down. LOL
Morningstaraudio, Bill, I look forward to hearing your report on the sound of the speaker cables after break in period, and again after more time has passed.
As I interpret what Rick told me," although breaking in wire on there devices works to some degree…due to the magnetic permeation of system components.. It takes breaking them in with the system they will be used on."
The one way it works faster is if you have had another magnetic cable plugged into the system prior to this cable.
This is not speaker wire, not wire in the traditional sense so, we may need to see if the very different Magnetic Conduction requires different methodology. Your break in experiment may help determine this. Thanks Dave
@Ddraudt I will be trying the full high fidelity ultimate reference loom by the weekend. I will try to break them in. I'm excited. The clarity and naturalness and speed of the power cord alone was amazing. I will add the cables in and go through my paces. Im excited because even though I have listened to a number of different cables this technology is really different. Will report back soon. Heard some Coltrane on a high fidelity setup and I was blown away.
Calvinj, If Rick is coming over, try to get him to bring several of the Ultimate Reference Rhodium power cords also. It will be expensive for you, but your estimation about what is possible in terms of musical reproduction will forever change.
@ Calvinj, That is Great calvin!! Be prepared for further mind blownness.
Yes, this Technology is really different in a totally superior way and hearing is believing. Oh boy are you in for some fun!!!
@Tbg, Great post! again you have distilled an amazing experience to just a few words " YOUR ESTIMATION OF WHAT IS POSSIBLE IN TERMS OF MUSICAL REPRODUCTION WILL CHANGE FOREVER"
As a guy who rambles trying to describe the un describable, i really appreciate you gift for words.