Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?

Recommendations for the best tube integrated amp for the Merlin TSM-MMI monitors with Master RCs? 4K or less new or used, yet capable of driving them to their full capability with outstanding detail, extension and harmonic richness.

I wonder if anyone has tried the SLI-80 F1 Triode version with direct coupling and Zero NFB (wired for triode only). Certainly 40 watts would be more than sufficient to drive the Merlins. I see Upscale Audio advertising it, but I've not heard of anyone having used it or commented on it. Sounds like the Merlin (VSM in my case) would be an easy load for the amp.
10-02-11: Pmboyd
Who takes the "best" question literally!? It's shorthand, folks. For pity's sake, let's not keep reinventing the wheel... over and over and over.

Obviously a lot of folks do because the question of "what's the best...." is asked daily and answered enthusiasticly by folks who really think their equipment is the best.
A few, not a lot, I think. Still, I don't feel the compulsion to set everybody straight whenever the word "best" pops up.
Nor do I refrain from utilizing the convenience of the expression for the few people who take it literally.
A few, not a lot, I think. Still, I don't feel the compulsion to set everybody straight whenever the word "best" pops up.
I'm not trying to set anybody straight. I'm posting my opinion on the subject just like you and anybody else who answers a question. If you don't care for my opinion just skip over my posts.