don allen gen II pre amp vs. Maple tree 4se

These are two highly regarded pre-amps at modst prices, has anyone compared them? if so, how do they differ and how would you describe there sound?
Custom gain for each input? Can you explain how that works? That type of feature has always appealed to me.
After speaking with Dr. Peppard and letting him know the output specs of my input devices he suggested 10db for my CDP and DVD player, and 18db for my cassette player, IIRC. This way, the master volume knob hovers near the middle of its travel for each piece of input gear at the volume I generally listen. Theoretically, the most linear position of the (any mechanical) volume knob is its center area. I am very glad of this feature as I often read complaints from folks with "standard" pre gains (approx. 26db-32db) that they are not able to adjust the volume to their liking because as soon as they turn it even a little the sound is already too loud.
So is the gain for each input factory set (sounds like it) or can the user set it?
IIRC, on the Mapletree, it's just a matter of swapping resistors on the source selector switch.
Clio99 - yes, "factory" set. (referring to Dr. Peppard as a factory has me chuckling ;^) Do not know if Face is correct as I've never opened it up - might be. You might consider emailing Dr. Peppard if you have any design questions - he is very helpful.