don allen gen II pre amp vs. Maple tree 4se

These are two highly regarded pre-amps at modst prices, has anyone compared them? if so, how do they differ and how would you describe there sound?
Clio99 - yes, "factory" set. (referring to Dr. Peppard as a factory has me chuckling ;^) Do not know if Face is correct as I've never opened it up - might be. You might consider emailing Dr. Peppard if you have any design questions - he is very helpful.
Just checked mine, each source on the selector switch has it's own set of resistors.
From looking through the archives the only member who has had recent experiences with the Don Allen Gen II preamp here is:


May be shoot him an e-mail via Audiogon to get his opinion or have him chime into this thread. He speaks very highly of the preamp from what I've read.