Hooking DishNetwork receiver to amp=speaker noise?

I tried to send the audio outputs of my Dish Network receiver to an input on my integrated amp and it causes some low level speaker noise even when I don't use that input. The same happens if I hook the TV output to the preamp.
Normally things are dead silent with my CD players.

So I gave up on this idea (don't want to contaminate my good equipment which is for music first).

Any idea of the cause of this or any solution?
If your TV has audio out you can try using those. I have Direct and have used both the TV out and the receiver out to a pre; can't even remember which I am using now. Direct from receiver is theoretically better but can't remember much of a difference.
OK, I found a pretty good solution. I bought a little powered switching box that takes 2 RCA inputs and has 4 RCA outputs (not a cheap one, about $80 from a company called RF Link), sent the Dish audio output into the box, and the output to my amp, and there is dead silence now with the Dish box connected.

But with the TV itself run into the box, there was still a bit of noise, so I didn't connect the TV.
But I'm happy now.
Likely a ground loop as stated by Kdbrink above. There are several solutions, but the easiest is the addition of a ground loop isolation box (like the Mondial Magic). They run about $80. Happy Listening.
Another vote for a ground loop issue. I have had my (various) Dish receivers hooked to my stereo for years and have never had any issues you speak of.

I have also used the digital out on the back of my Dish receiver and ran it to my DAC. The sound was a touch better, but nothing spectacular; I was using it for the satellite radio stations and they are compressed.
Are you using the antenna input on the Dish box?
If you are what is it?
I once used the antenna input for basic cable so when dish went out I still had channels I could watch.
I had to also install a Mondial Magic because of the hum when cable was connected.