Spectron Musician III MK.2 or Audio Research DS450

Has anyone listened to the new Audio Research DS450M mono blocks or the DS 450 stereo Class D amp's and compared them to the Spectron Musician III MK.2?..
Sorry but class D amplification and WARMTH do not belong in the same sentence,it's WARM or it's COLD (ICE ) can't have both in the same unit BUT if it was ME i would choose Audio Research will be much easier to resale.

PS: No i don't like ICE POWER. but that's only MY opinion
Spectron is not ICE and looking at the pictures, neither is the Audio Research.

If the OP is driving some very low sensitivity speakers to higher levels, this may be one option.

However, plenty of very hi-power conventional amps are also available. I have no idea how much $$$ we're talkin' about.
Sorry Magfan, class D or I.C.E. for me same garbage, i simply don't believe in 500 watts power amps that weigh under 100 pounds just does'nt make sense to ME.

PS: I'm also a Magnepan fan.
" class D or I.C.E. for me same garbage, i simply don't believe in 500 watts power amps that weigh under 100 pounds just does'nt make sense to ME"

It is not question of faith to begin with.

Next, why won;t you avoid making comments in matters you have no understanding but beliefs instead.

Incidently, one of Spectron designers, guy who does voicing, also like full ribbon speakers and even own one
Mracoustat's thinking is from the stoneage while living in the "I.C.E.-age".

Try listening to a Hypex amp. Nuff said.