Extremely High-End "Pre-Pro" Surround Pre-Amp

By all standards, I have excellent amplification (VAC Renaissance Mk II Preamplifier & 300.1 Stereo Power Amp.)

I am in the process of integrating a 5-channel surround system, which uses my 2-channel rig for the main/front L & R, via the preamp's "theatre bypass."

Though I am adding a surround system, I estimate that 85% of my system's use will still be for 2-channel music listening.

My initial plan was to buy a modestly priced surrround processor, such as the Marantz AV-7005 and run the 2 main channels to the VAC pre.

From the music side, I've even considered upgarding my VAC pre to one of the newer models that came out within the past year.

However, before I go down this path, are there any truely "high-end" surround processor/pre-amps that I should consider, and consolidate into one (surround/pre) unit?

By this, I mean are there any that would handle the duties of surround processing AND perform as well or better than my current pre-amp for 2-channel music playback?

It would be nice to have one piece of gear that could work dual-purpose, and avoid essentially having 2 pre's, but I will NOT go this route if there is any compromise to the musical pleasure that I am acustommed to.

So, is there a truely high-end, MUSICAL surround processor out there?

As you probably figured out, I'm a fan of tubes. What are the chances of a tube unit that fits this bill?

Thanks gang.
This one is the most interesting to me:

The Tact is no doubt a very competent digital processor, as are a host of others mentioned (and not mentioned) on this forum.

However, for the "occasional multi channel" listener seeking to maintain reference 2 channel performance using analog sources, this box is not a good alternative to a 2 channel preamp with HT bypass and a reasonably priced "good enough" SSP.

In fact, the Tact probably digitizes its two channel sources, which is anathema to most two channel afficionados.
Another vote for a separate preamp or integrated amp with HT Bypass for 'serious' 2-channel performance.

Pre/Pros are like a swiss army knife - they have to do alot of things in a single unit - and there are gonna be compromises to cram all those features into a single unit for a given price - many of which have nothing to do with audio.

I'd take dedicated audio separates for 'serious' 2-channel than a pre/pro solution any day of the week.

I've got a hybrid system myself using an int w/ HT bypass along with a regular AVR for movie/multichannel listening.

The int. wins hands down for 2-channel w/ source components directly connected.
So far, none of the OP contributions to this forum suggest he has analog sources. The OP threads include queries re: CD players, DACs, servers and switching amps. It's hard enough to get 2 channels properly set up in a room, adding more can only be more difficult. Having all channel room correction in it's native digital state might be better than having it converted to analog then to digital then back to analog. The OP has suggested he prefers tubes, this unit can be connected to many tube amps, the tube component that usually imparts tube character the most.
Simaudio Evolution line...prepro runs about $25k or so and is fully balanced. Sims evolution line for two channel is the cat's meow, however it is not inexpensive.