Tube preamp with the "most" for 1k used, 2k new?

Tube preamp with the best overall balance of sound on the slightly "warm" side of the divide, ~1k used,~2k new? Must be detailed, dynamic and excel in imaging and soundstage.
What amp will it be used with? The TAD 125s? With ARC, I'd expect those to provide a most resolving sound similar to the best tube gear I have heard, which tends to resemble SS more.

VTl and DeHavilland made my short list when looking probably can't go wron with either of those as well. Probably more of a personal taste thing. My gut says those will sound more "tubey" than the ARC based on what I have read, but have never actually heard these.
Preamp will be paired with the TAD 125 monoblocks, preferably a preamp with a smaller tube complement -- two to three tubes max.
I think any of those pre-amps are good choices.

ARC sp16 uses 6 12AX7 tubes, three in the line stage and 3 in the phono.

My TAD 125s and my ARC SP16 are in different systems. Would like to try them together someday with the Dynaudio monitors and OHM 100s in particular.

The ARC replaced a Carver C6 pre-amplifier and was a major step up in my main rig. The Carver is currently running the TADs and this combo is quite good in my second rig running Triangle monitors + M&K sub and Stax headphones.