Audible Illusions M3A preamp--best matching amp

I am looking for the best match for a Audible Illusions M3A preamp. I was thinking of a VTL amp but I have no clue if they can work together. I am also considering a Pass Aleph 5 but still I am not sure if they match. All inputs are welcome.
Second the Odyssey Stratos suggestion. They were a great match in my system when I used the pair with Totem Forests.
I have Primaluna 6 monoblocks with NOS tubes except for the
12ax7's which were as good as it gets, and I'm in heaven.

Impossible to make a meaningful recommendation without knowing what speakers you are using and how much you are willing to spend. It would also be helpful to know what type of music you listen to and at what level.

How about these?



A better question might be where are the volume attenuators set at normal listening levels with a particular amplifier. Look here then do a broad search.

Contact the manufacture for more definitive information...