Modern Linestages

This is a general question about how complex and expensive some linestages have become. I'm looking to understand why? I can grasp that really good volume controls are complicated and that equally good switches are not inexpensive. I also have a general understanding of the importance of a high quality power supply, which again is not going to come cheap. I just don't comprehend how you get to a 50lbs. plus preamps that cost well over $20k. Is this level of complexity really needed or is it the equivalent of the spate of 500hp "sedans" for every day driving?
Atmasphere, thanks for taking a try at my question. I realize it is not a trivial inquiry. I find it refreshing that while you design what I consider a very expensive expensive linestage that you don't see any technical or sonic need to come out with an ultra expensive product.

On another note -- I find the argument that a linestage is needed to correct for the source component's imperfections a very un-audiophile like line of reasoning. For if the source requires correction, then why stop at a linestage? Why not insert a device with graphic/parametric EQ, phase compensation, reverb, compression, harmonic overtone generator, etc.? And you can't use the old signal purity argument since you've already argued that a multi-gain stage device with signal switching and volume control is required anyway.
It does not correct rather it complements.Big difference and you assume the souce component is perfect and that it is not the case.
You make a very clear and rational arguement for the benefit and advantages for good quality active linestages. The notion that the sorce-amplifier is the ideal signal pathway is nice theory but as others have found out is not the case often in actual comparisons at home. The point I`ve come to realize is that ears trump theory and measurements. What sounds best to a particular listner is the whole and entire point. To say, well if you prefer the active linestage means you prefer coloration is a weak platform to stand on.I believe the direct and or passive approach is`nt fully accurate as it`s not capable of passing all the information within the signal passage. Oh well...
I believe the direct and or passive approach is`nt fully accurate as it`s not capable of passing all the information within the signal passage.

How so?
08-25-11: Onhwy61
Atmasphere, thanks for taking a try at my question. I realize it is not a trivial inquiry. I find it refreshing that while you design what I consider a very expensive expensive linestage that you don't see any technical or sonic need to come out with an ultra expensive product.
It's actually a very trivial question. A manufacturer will charge whatever the market will bear. It has nothing to do with design, manufacturer cost ... as long as there is demand for whatever reason.

I remember when Mazda Miata was introduced, there was very high demand. There were HUGE dealer mark up, people were trading in their BMW convertibles ... Is the Miata manufacturer cost higher than BMW?, probably NOT, a better car than BMW, IMO a big NOT ... just a bunch of suckers got caught up in the hype and willing to pay big $$.