Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
The effect has already been discussed by an audio engineer in the WhatsBest forums.

The effect can also be gained using some pro audio hardware, purchased cheaper thn the QOL.

It's basically adding some 'sugar' on top, some thing engineer could have done during mixing if he desired.
Oh, so there is pro audio gear that does the same thing for less? Specific brand or company? Darn, wished I knew. The problem is there is not an thread on the forums that is making audiophiles aware of a speficic device that does what the QOL does. The OQL is one of those things that was at the audio shows, been reveiwed by a high traffic audio mag, and had a bunch of users and dealers buy the unit in a short amount of time that sounded off on it's merits. So had the pro auido gear been at the shows, reviewed by the press, and listening impressions been posted, then there may be no market or need for the QOL. But, that didn't happen thus opening the door for something like the QOL to enter the market and grab attention from audiophiles.

As far as the "purest" side of audio, I personally do not car what is in the chain. Sure I like less boxes and cables, but if anything improves the sound quality enough to be pleasing to my ears, I'm not against putting it into the chain.

If I tell you, or better yet post on a forum, that I build computers and can make your laptop perform as good as a multi-processor server can, are you going to believe me because I am a computer geek? I am sure that would be a firm NO, as it should be.

Your statements are claiming fact and seem to be based on what someone wrote on a forum rather than by practice and experience. I think we just went through a long discussion on how this is not what the thread is looking for. Experience with the product and technical preference is the topic I think we were on.

Looking forward to hearing others experiences with the product.

I don't get your "correction" to Madfloyd. He has already stated above that he had the qol and returned it as he preferred his system without the device so describing how the effect can be reproduced by other means seems more than appropriate. I realize you profit from the sales of qol devices but I sure think it's ok for folks to report less than positive experiences. Some are gonna like it, some are not.
Madfloyd, I agree that a highly qualified Recording Engineer should be able to produce just about any type of effect that his recording board can create.
But with that ability, my question is then, why do so many recording's sound so crappy?
If he can produce the quality of the Qol in the recording process then do it!