Dusting tube amp

I know a lot of people recommend canned air, which I will use as step two, but I worry about blowing dust into the amp.

Does anyone use a small duster like a swiffer to dust the surface of the amp and maybe run lightly over and around the tubes to remove dust?
The vacuum technique is an excellent idea. To take it a step further, have it performed by your personal french maid. Or in Elizabeth's case, personal pool boy.
have it performed by your personal french maid. Or in Elizabeth's case, personal pool boy.
Or your significant other, dressed in a french maid or pool boy outfit, as is your wont. Or both. but be careful w that vacuum!!! ;~)
Swamp, we'll assume in such a scenario, you will be playing the pool boy given your propensity of donning speedos:)
I didn't realize what I was starting. Adding the cost of a French Maid will make an already expensive hobby even more so.

But it could also make it even more enjoyable!