Separate volume controls for left & right channels

hi, I am curious to know why some pre-amps have separate volume controls for the two channels. Don't we want to have the same level of control on the channels? Can someone explain this to a novice? :) Thanks!
+1 Wilsynet and Stanwal. I dreaded mine after the first month of use, now long gone. I laugh when I see them now.
Some did/do it like they used to in the early stereo days where they were stacked them (volume), on the same shaft with split knob. If they had good friction it worked good, except in some cases when you turned it all the way down, one channel still had to much volume in one channel.
My linestage has dual volume controls and I love them. They`re very accurate and for me no hassle what so ever, very simple yet effective.
Has anyone found a reliable, practical system [commercial kit, Chinese from eBay, DIY from scratch, or just good-looking plans] for a mechanically linked dual VC, with the possibility of using really top shelf potentiometers, a dual shunt VC, or ideally, switched discrete resistor attenuators? You know, something with a belt connection, some kind of clutch, chain drive (!)... whatever. I'm not really thinking about some rare commercial product, but something along DIY lines. Thanks.
I had them on my Audioprism Mantissa preamp, but they were stepped and clearly no problem at all for me.

I liked the option on that preamp because I could turn one speaker off when doing testing.....and I did use them as a balance control when one of my ears would plug up a bit (every short spurts).
