Cary SA 200,2

I had a wonderful time at John Rutan's Audio Connection in Verona N.J. this week and heard a remarkable combination of electronics with the very speakers I own, Vandersteen 3A Sigs. The electronics were by Cary Audio. SA 200.2 amplifier, SL 03 Preamp and CD-500 Cd player. Great synergy with this combination. The SA 200.2 really made the 3A Sigs strut their stuff. Crystal clear presentation, deep bass and beautiful mids.
I also heard outstanding demos of the incredible Vandy 5A's and the unbelievable Vandy 7's. That's another thread of course.
Wondering if anyone out there has heard the Cary Electronics I mentioned and if so what your thoughts were and on what speakers etc?
Nice to hear the 200.2s are around.
I've dealt with John many times over the years and he's in the process now of trying to get a couple 500.1s for me to have a listen to. They seem to be virtually non existent.

I'm assuming the overall presentation on the 200.2 will be similar to the 500.1

I'm still torn between Parasound JC-1, Bryston and the SA500.1 for use with Mag3.7s.
I have heard the 200.2 with the SLP 03 combination and it is amazing. Just from doing a search on the SLP 03, it doesn't seem really highly regarded and some even bag on it a little. But, when it comes to synergy this combo really has it.
My system consists of the Cary SA200.2 amplifier, SLP-05 preamp, CAD 500 CD player and B&W 802 Series III on Sound Anchors. The sound is natural, sounds real and I'm very happy with my choice of components.
Hi all ! I have a Cary 303/300 CD player , Cary SLP-03 pre and a Cary V-12 power amp . All sound great by themselves or together . Also have Belles A150 and Transcendent 4 wpc tube amp . Same with these , all sound great together or separate .