Best integrated for $500?

I'm looking to finally upgrade my old Onkyo receiver into a good integrated. I have the Onkyo, a Rotel 1072 cd, and a Creek DAC/passive preamp powering my golden, beloved Triangle Titus 202 speakers (on Mapleshade floor stands). I'm leaning towards Rogue Audio for a used integrated, but with my current set-up (and a small room), what would you all suggest for the $500 range (used)?

p.s. before my divorce a decade ago, my system was Maggie 3.6R's powered by an ARC VS-110 fed by a Blue Circle 2.1 pre and a Musical Fidelity cd player. I'll never go back to that level, but I do appreciate a beautiful soundstage.
Audio Refinement Complete. Very stable at 4 ohms, rated 50 to 8 and 90 to 4. Neutral, solid bottom, grainless on top.
Thanks to all for your suggestions and grounded recommendations. @Jeff_Jones, you're right in that the bigbox mass-produced receivers (like the one I have - which earned good reviews when it came out) probably would do just as well as almost any similarly priced high-end integrated. Still, I can't help but be seduced by the allure of a high-end name integrated.

@Arni - thanks for a comprehensive review and suggestion. No confusion at all, but a lot of ideas. In fact, with the Rotel 1072 (which I just got on audiogon), I'm not even sure I need the OBH-14 anymore. It was formerly hooked to a NAD c521 cd player that finally bit the bullet.

Everyone else, I'm researching the names and possibilities you brought up. Thanks again!

If you're going to go the consumer-grade route, there are reasons to pick up something a bit older on eBay than buy something new at a store - one of them being that the new stuff tends to skimp on quality transformers - you'll find it's much easier to physically lift an Onkyo made in 2010 than one made in 1990... then again, older stuff has its issues too and you may have to deal with replacing aging caps and cleaning old pots.

At any rate, there are classics such as the Audiolab 8000a that would certainly be worth a look. You could also try picking up one of the entry-level Blue Circle integrateds, which pop up every now and then used. I've also heard good things about the Dayens Ampino, if that's enough power.
Looking at the current listings in your price range, there are a bunch of nice integrateds for sale, among them: Myryad T-40, Arcam 8r, Rega Brio 3, Linn Majik-I, and (if you need only one input) Virtue TWO.2. (I don't know any of the sellers.) Of these, I'd go for the Rega. I have an original Brio in my office, and I love it. I've had good luck reading around and buying used. If it doesn't work out, you can sell it on and, if you haven't overpaid, only be out for shipping.