Washline, the P-7100 and the A-65 are Accuphase top of the line power amplifiers. I did not compared them, but form what others have reported except for the fact that the P-7100 has better control over large woofers there is not significant difference between the two. Thus, P-7100 may be considered the better unit of the two (not only it has more power but it does not get hot either) but both amps are about as good as it gets.
Regarding the humid and hot summers in Korea, my guest is that Accuphase units should be fine for many years under those conditions. After all in Japan (where they are built) the summers are also hot and extremely humid. In the Netherlands we have also quite humid summers (not as bad as in Korea though) and there are people here that have 20 years old Accuphase units that still work fine and so far required no service. Thus, since you also have good prices in Korea for Accuphase I would advice you to arrange an audition to check whether you like the Accuphase-Focal combination. But be warn that these Accuphase boxes are very addictive, once u get one u will want to get more of them and they ain't cheep (and if eventually you will end up, say, with a P-7100/C-2810/DP-700 combo, then you will most likely want to get better speaker e.g. Nove or the Grande Utopias Be).
Finally, regarding the digital amps mentioned above, they are indeed very efficient but that does not mean they will run cold. In fact some of these amps get hotter than most of the class A/B amp (e.g. Lyngdorf). Also, why invest in a second amp and not in a good ventilation system than can regulate the humidity in your room?
Best wishes,
p.s. I am not an Accuphase dealer (just a scientist :) who is very found of Accuphase).