Russian 6C33C Tube Testing and Matching

I have 10 of these beauties that require testing and matching etc.

Any suggestions on where I can send the tubes for testing and matching for a fee?

I need matched pairs for my Quicksilver Triode 6C33C Mono amps
Try a local guitar/ guitar amp store. Usually those repairmen will have a tube tester. Likewise for radio/TV repairshops in your area. Good Luck.
baaaaaa! Wrong answer. 6C33C take special tester. Doubt you'll find any radio, TV, guitar shop with one. There is a person on this forum who sells them, tested, for $60 a piece IIRC (just do a search in classified section). Perhaps he might be able to test for you. Also, I used to purchase them at, which also tested them. They might help as well.
The only way is to built a special jig for testing them or using an existing amplifier to measure them - it is risky if you do not know of their condition.

The main problem is supplying the needed high filament current (3A at 12,6V) - no usual tester can supply it.

Check with TC Tubes. He offers a tube testing service using the Amplitrex AT1000, one of the best, if not the best tube tester available. This will test the 6C33C. A good friend bought some KT-88's from him, and was very pleased.
Good advice. But understand he must charge you something for this service - the Amplitrex AT1000 costs more than usd 2500.

From the specs of the AT1000
Heater/filament power from 1.0 to 12.6V, up to 3.5A