Wyred STP-SE : Break In Times

Hi All,

I recently purchased the W4S STP-SE preamp. I have been breaking it in. It's nearly 350 hours now and feel like it hasn't opened up yet. Vocals are harsh, sound stage is limited and everything feels cramped.

Now, the manual says 200 hours, but does anyone have experience of breaking in much longer to get it to optimal sound?

I have experience with other Wyred products (DAC, MC amp), so I have a very good idea of their sonic character.

I'm just wondering if this is time to panic or wait it out, to say, 500 hours.

Any input appreciated.
I have the Wyred 4 Sound STI-500 and I used to own their DAC-2, which I would still have if I didn't buy a Lyngdorf DPA-1. Both pieces took a fair amount of time to sound their best, but even out of the box they were not as bad as what you're describing.

So I'm thinking that either a setting is wrong, or they don't like the cables you are using, or that there could actually be something wrong with the piece.

So I'd check the settings, swap out cables (even power cord) and go from there. If after that you still can't get good sound I'd send it to W4S for a checkup. Good Luck.
What cables are you using? What preamp did you replace?

That's a fantastic sounding preamp and shouldn't sound anything like you're describing.
I agree with Face. There are a couple of simple internal mods to make it better yet. Tom
I have owned the STP-SE for almost 3 years now and there could be a few things going on.

The first question I have for you is what amp are you using. The STP-SE likes an amp with a high input impedance, 30K or more I'd say. The best experience I have had with it is using a amp with a 97K input impedance and my current amps, the first gen wyred sx-500s which have input impedance of 100k. I have tried to use two amps with low input impendances one was 10k and the other was 4k and the result was distorted highs and a uncontrolled bottom end. Treat the STP-SE like a tube preamp when looking for a amp to match. The higher the input impedance the better.

The second piece of advice I'd give you has to do with your power distribution. I have had wildly varying results with the STP-SE in different power configurations. A couple of things remain consistent though. Don't plug the STP into the same conditioner, surge protector etc with high current equipment like amps or flat screen tvs. I have done this before and it resulted in a similar sound to what you described. The best success I have had (and my current configuration) is that I have dedicated a PS audio Ultimate outlet to just the STP-SE. If you do have the STP plugged into the same conditioner as your other equipment I would unplug it and plug the STP directly into the wall and see if that makes a difference. If it does then you are having the same issues I just described and just need to separate the pre from the rest of your gear. It just doesn't seem like it wants to share. Just get it a separate conditioner and you should be good to go.

The STP-SE is a fantastic pre and I will never sell mine. To me it is worth selling equipment to get some that match well with it than vice versa.