Advice on switching to separates

Currently using an Exposure 2010s integrated amp with Harbeth mini monitors. I am absolutely satisfied with the overall performance but have always been wanting to try separates. My question is can i better my integrated with separates on a budget of around 1500 dollars. I also have Omega super 6 Alnicos speakers from a second system which was scrapped. Due to space limitations I now use the Harbeths because they are smaller, but they can be switched back in if I can put together a system that beats the one I currently have. Any suggestions or should I be happy with what I have. Thanks.
Jmelet said:


what do you mean?

I think integrated amps are very good and their limits are only bettered if you spend the big bucks on separates.

Who wants to buy the extra ICs and PCs and rack space necessary with separates?

btw the freakin planet I am from is Earth.

chillax dude...
Whether or not you experience much improvement of a separates over an integrated may also depend on how the preamp stage of the integrated is implemented. Poor implementation of a preamp stage could mean separates or an integrated with a better preamp stage will be a nice step up.

I have no experience with your integrated so can't comment on it specifically.
I noticed that there is a pre out which would allow you to experiment with stereo and monoblock amps if you wanted to;I think 1500 in the used amp market can buy you a very nice amp to let you see if you prefer going with a seperate amp(s).
Bottom line is what your ears tell you and if you want to make a change.
philjolet says:

"Who wants to buy the extra ICs and PCs and rack space necessary with separates"

Yea....what freakin planet are you from?

Your right that on a 1500.00 budget he won't do better, but telling someone if they don't spend 10,000.00 or more on separates its not worth it is totally crazy.....Two components instead of one and another IC does not require most people to buy more rack space. YOU NEED TO CHILL and think before typing something ridiculous...
Very unlikely you will better yourself with that move at that budget for separates. Why don't you ask Allan Shaw? I suspect he would tell you to stick with what you have. If you want to upgrade, my next move would be for an even better integrated when you have the money for it, something like a LFD MKIII used.