Lak, Ozzy, hello! about cable cooking and breakage in magnetic cables.
Even though the used Ultimates have 1000 hours on them, they will still need to settle in and effect YOUR system. It's manufacturer calls it magnetic permeation but whatever one calls it it takes time to sounds its best like most audio products. Cable cooker is for wire and this is not wire, so although cooker gives you slight improvements, time is the only solution. suggestion- relax and enjoy the music!
Note for the whiners, I answered this question before so add it to your pointless and ignored complaints. Sorry your lives have left you with only bitterness and negativity and a need to share that. Love D
Even though the used Ultimates have 1000 hours on them, they will still need to settle in and effect YOUR system. It's manufacturer calls it magnetic permeation but whatever one calls it it takes time to sounds its best like most audio products. Cable cooker is for wire and this is not wire, so although cooker gives you slight improvements, time is the only solution. suggestion- relax and enjoy the music!
Note for the whiners, I answered this question before so add it to your pointless and ignored complaints. Sorry your lives have left you with only bitterness and negativity and a need to share that. Love D