Budget Tube Integrated? + Tube related questions

Hi Gurus,

I'm building my first hifi for a new apartment I will be moving into. The system will go into the living room (about 11 by 11ft) and will be used for music mostly and TV/movies occasionally.

I'm keen on a Tube integrated, as I would love a natural, warm sound. I love Jazz and I hear that tubes and vinyl are a match made in heaven (looking to build a vinyl setup in the near future but for now just an Airport Express with lossless files).

Unfortunately my budget is about 500-600 for the amp, and so far only Jolida's offerings seem to be in the ballpark (excluding Chinese amps like Qinpu - are these any good by the way?) Cheaper tubes also tend to have lower outputs, around 20w into 8ohms for the Jolida FX10.

Is it absolutely necessary to get high sensitivity speakers in such a case? Or would these amps be ok driving regular budget bookshelves (like the Wharfedale Diamonds or PSB Alpha/Image, Paradigm monitors etc.)? Since my room is pretty tiny, I was wondering if it'd be ok?

Or should I totally forgo tubes at this price range? Some have suggested that tubes in the below 1000 mark generally aren't worth the bother.

Also I'll be running the setup for several hours a day - including background listening. Is this detrimental for a tube setup? Do I have to replace tubes frequently with such usage?
I use the Jolida FX10 in a 10" x 10" office with a pair of 87 db efficiency JohnBlue JB3 speakers and really like the combination in that room. I'm very impressed with the FX10, the soundstage and texture of the music with the JB3's is very enjoyable, sometimes even startlingly lifelike, and the FX10 has been trouble free playing several hours a day for almost two years.

I've tried several combinations of output tubes and can't comment on the longevity of the stock Electro-Harmonix tubes but as Montytx said, there are some good current production 12ax7's and EL84's available at reasonable prices. I substituted a set of Russian military 6pi14pi-ev tubes for the stock EL84's, described as a long-life tube and usually available for less then $40 for a set, and they've been rock solid.
Sure the lower powered amps will 'work' with less efficient speakers . The question is how 'well' would you like them to work together ?
Unless you already have the speakers , it is possible to get more efficient speakers for the same price as the ones that you have eluded to above .
You are on the right track with a tube amp and seem to have done some research into the subject . Now do the same for the speakers .

Good luck
I am in the same situation i have a pair of system audio 86db into 4 ohm trying to match with a tube amp, but careful
i have the feeling that will be a hard task.