Budget Tube Integrated? + Tube related questions

Hi Gurus,

I'm building my first hifi for a new apartment I will be moving into. The system will go into the living room (about 11 by 11ft) and will be used for music mostly and TV/movies occasionally.

I'm keen on a Tube integrated, as I would love a natural, warm sound. I love Jazz and I hear that tubes and vinyl are a match made in heaven (looking to build a vinyl setup in the near future but for now just an Airport Express with lossless files).

Unfortunately my budget is about 500-600 for the amp, and so far only Jolida's offerings seem to be in the ballpark (excluding Chinese amps like Qinpu - are these any good by the way?) Cheaper tubes also tend to have lower outputs, around 20w into 8ohms for the Jolida FX10.

Is it absolutely necessary to get high sensitivity speakers in such a case? Or would these amps be ok driving regular budget bookshelves (like the Wharfedale Diamonds or PSB Alpha/Image, Paradigm monitors etc.)? Since my room is pretty tiny, I was wondering if it'd be ok?

Or should I totally forgo tubes at this price range? Some have suggested that tubes in the below 1000 mark generally aren't worth the bother.

Also I'll be running the setup for several hours a day - including background listening. Is this detrimental for a tube setup? Do I have to replace tubes frequently with such usage?
I am currently using a Jolida FX 10 in my office system (14X16) and it has been excellent with my Tekton 4.5 speakers (you should consider them for about $300.00, used,less). They blow away the Psbs and Wharfdale in the same price-range. I get a wall-to-wall sound-stage if it has it in the recording. This little combo is oh-so-right, you can't go wrong.
PS, like Sfar I also tube rolled a bit and can vouch that Russian mil spec tubes like his, or my 7189s seriously out-perform the stock tubes by a wide margin in every area. I also like the new Gold Lion EL 84s, also have Ei, they too, are better than the stock tubes. I'm running The Tubestore Northern Electric 12AX7s per their suggestion, they are very good. Good hunting...
In a small room, one thing to consider: Tube Amp = HEAT!
Are you in Singapore?
You are definitely on the right track, but be warned that tubes + vinyl requires more resources for general maintenance. It might be worth trying to stretch up a bit on the budget to get something higher powered with a good onboard phono amp like a rogue. Another route to consider would be a vintage receiver like a good kenwood or sansui which can usually be had for around $400 and usually have phono inputs.
Thanks for all the replies so far gents. Pls do keep them coming.
I managed to audition some amps and speakers today.

First audition - tried a solid state Marantz PM6004 from a Naim CDP into Wharfedale 10.6 floor standers. It was technically really good to my amateur ears but the sound wasn't musical at all. I really didn't enjoy them, although on a technical level it was a small Wow.

2nd audition - From my Macbook air (lossless) into Cambridge Audio DacMagic via USB into Cambridge Audio 350 integrated into Dali Ikon 5 / Dali Zensor 5 / Cambridge Audio S30 bookshelves.

The Ikons were detailed and airy/open BUT were quite bright and annoying to my ears. The Zensor was fuller and more weighted and preferred it to the Ikons. The Cambridge S30 bookshelves definitely amazed me for the price. Granted they didn't sound as big as the floor standers but imaging was more precise and texture of instruments was excellent.

This setup was slightly more musical than the previous audition, but the next audition - with tubes - really blew me away.

3rd audition - Tried Mordaunt Short Carnival 6 floor standers from a Pioneer iPhone/iPod dock (lossless from my iPhone 4S) into a Sansui 10w tube amp / TS Audio (hand built 15w tube integrated from Thailand)

The Sansui was awesome. Couldn't drive the speakers to deafening levels but the tone of instruments was absolutely correct. However there was a constant hum/noise in the background. (Dealer said the power was not clean and the cord was a regular cheap type and it was due to this).

The TS Audio 15w tubes were absolutely wonderful! They could drive the Mordaunts to really loud levels and there was no noise or hum in the background. Most importantly, the music was ... musical. I really enjoyed listening to this setup.

However I just can't seem to find information on these two amps online. The dealer didn't provide me with the model number and the store had many people buzzing around so I left before I could find out, unfortunately.

I took a picture of these two amps. The Sansui is the black and red amp with 2 tubes popping out. The TS Audio is the larger one in front. Link here: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/37/ampsk.jpg/

Unfortunately, there weren't any more budget tube amps that I could audition. Dealers only had more pricey 5000-10,000 level amps for auditioning =(