How Many Audiophiles Have Do You Know?

How many audiophiles have you ever met? The people that you've met here on Audiogon and at audio shows don't count. I'm trying to find out if audiophiles ever meet each other by happenstance. I have never been in a casual conversation when someone ever mentioned a hifi hobby.

The only time I've ever met an audiophile was when I was making a sales call in Denver, CO. I was in the lobby of a big real estate broker's office when the owner had his secretary bring me into his private office. As soon as I walked into his office I saw an unmistakably recognizable pair of Talon speakers with a pair of Krell monlblocs, Audio Research Ref2 Mk2 preamp and a Wadia cd player. I complemented him on his system. He was thrilled that I recognized his components...he was even more thrilled that I asked him to fire it up. I looked through his cd's and chose a few selections that I was familiar with. We talked audio for 30-45 minutes before we finally got down to business. Needless to say, I got the account. I was selling an excellent service, but I'm sure that my familiarity with audio sealed the deal.
I'm 53 years old....never actually met another, outside of a guy who sold me equipment.
I have one close audiophile friend, one close audiophile acquaintance (whose wife I used to work with for several years) and one "long'lost" good audiophile friend/neighbor (the guy who inspired me when I was a kid). All three, plus me, right here in little old Des Moines, Iowa. Of course, that doesn't count the guys who work at the two hi-end shops - who I know quite well.
Im 63 years old and was lucky enough to of had several good audiophile friends. I sold some speakers to one gentleman and met a couple more at stereo stores in the Southern California area. This was in the mid seventies and we grew to a group of about twenty or so. We would meet at each other homes a couple times a month and would ab different types of equipment a truly memorable experience. Many great friendships were made but I found out recently some have passed away.I will miss my friends but I know they are still listening.
I thought I was the only one who knew no audiophiles. I have said that I'm the only audiophile in SE MN. So that's why this website is so important. I wonder if we have a unique psychology.
i have met quite a few actually. for example, last week in vienna traveling with co-workers from different parts of the states, somebody heard i was into audio and introduced themselves. when i moved to the atlanta area, i did a google search and found an audio group that i joined. i like nice cars and often people in car clubs (i was part of the portland porsche club and my brother in the porsche club in calif) like nice audio systems.