I picked up an Allnic L3000 pre this summer. I have an Edge 12.1 ss amp and have always enjoyed the mix of tube pre and ss muscle. I also have an Edge sig 1.1s.e pre and feel the Allnic is every bit as good if not better sounding when mated to the amp and it costs sig less than the Edge. Voice, instruments etc sound wonderful. In 2011 I traded my Moon 5.3 phonstage with power supply on an Allnic H3000 phono and was smitten. The current set up with the Allnic phono feeding the Allnic pre sounds excellent (I am considering selling my Edge pre). Contact Dave at Hammertone Audio, he is extremely helpful and does get units traded in (thats how I got both pieces)with buyer trading up to the DHT pre or phono with the variable eq.