Phono preamp to amp question

I own a Eastern Electric minimax phono stage. It has no volume control and I plan on using it as my only preamp .I used a Nad c352 with it in the past using the rcas to bypass the preamp in the nad integrated. I will be using this in a 90% vinyl only system Is it possible to use anything other than a integrated amp since I have no other preamp for volume control? I would like to use a tube integrated but is it possible to bypass the built in preamp on a tube integrated and use my eastern electric as the phono stage without having to use or install driver tubes into the integrated amp. Can I bypass the driver tubes on a tube integrated?
There must be a few tube integrateds that will let you bypass the preamp and go directly to the power amp, but I know only one: the Audio Space AS-3i which I happen to own. Unlikely it will work without the driver tubes though.

But if you have no volume control on your phono stage, why would you want to run it directly into the amp? Are you planning to throw blankets over the speakers when it gets too loud?
The Rouge Audio Tempest II can be configured to run as an amp only but I'm having a hard time understanding what you're wanting to accomplish. You need some kind of volume control.Maybe you can explain a bit better what it is you're after?

So you are wondering if you can just plug your phono stage into one of the inputs in an integrated amplifier? I would think so, just don't plug it into the phono input then you will have a double RIAA curve!
I just want to try tubes but see no use in burning extra tubes when I have a phonostage that needs no additional preamplification. I am pretty sure that crosses out using tubes for my power/integrated amp. As Tobias said "There must be a few tube integrateds that will let you bypass the preamp and go directly to the power amp, but I know only one".
Now My cheap nad 352 let me do this without using its built in preamp. However if I wanted to do this with tubes it would require tubes in the integrateds driver tube section burning for no reason correct??? This being as my eastern electric has enough gain without any more preamplification. Tobias said " Unlikely it will work without the driver tubes "The prior Nad amp I used I connected directly to the audio outs and bypassed its preamp for a cleaner sound. So basically I am required to use a tube amps driver tubes which will alter the sound of my phonostage. I would rather have just one stage as preamp. Is see no need to run through 2 different preamps prior to amplification.
So the driver tubes on any power or integrated must always be running to receive the phonostages signal? Correct or incorrect statement?