MOSFET's vs Bipolar's

All else being equal, can one truly hear the difference between power amplifiers driven by MOSFET or Bipolar transistors? If there audible differences, are they due more to circuit design and other parts quality? Thanks to all who reply.
I own mosfet amps(B&K)and bipolar amps(Acurus). Both have their strengths and are both very enjoyable to me. Mosfets tend to be a bit warmer with an emphesis on the midrange while bipolars are usually punchier down low and a bit brighter up high.(these are my experiences) Some may say that bipolar designs handle low impedences better but with my experience with B&K's, they do just as well when designed properly.

Unless you are comparing 1 specific mosfet vs 1 specific bipolar, I really don't think this question can be answered. There are definately several examples of both that are incredible amps. It seems today many use fets on the front end and still use bipolar on the output. It comes down to circuit design. Power supply and parts choices, just as much as Mosfet or Bipolar.
I think the heart of the answer is in your second question, the circuit design.

I'm a big fan of Nelson Pass's designs and he uses Mosfets but I have a Bedini 45/45 amp that uses bipolars and it's very sweet also.