Class D amps

I know Class D power amps are used in car audio applications. Why not for home audio power amps? Thanks.
No reason to beat up Nordic, we should welcome newcomers to the forum. Two comments on postings so far:

(1) Class "T" is really a class "D" amp. Tripath was one manufacturer of chips for the technology, and ARC called their amp a class "T" simply because they used the Tripath chip for their 150.2, 300.2, and 150M amplifiers. When Tripath went bankrupt and the chips were no longer available, ARC discontinued those models. The new ARC class D amplifiers, their "DS" series, use in-house developed chips, so the class "T" designation no longer exists.

(2) As was mentioned earlier, the combination of tube preamp and class D amp is primarily a matter of synergy. In my case I use all ARC components, and, at least to my ears, the combination of an LS-17 tube pre feeding a class D 150.2 and Maggie 1.6QR speakers, sounds very good. Of course, ARC components are made to mate well with each other.

Please don't let the rudeness exhibited in some posts scare you away from the forums...plenty of good folks here willing to help. I don't use D-amps but I have a friend who replaced his older VTL tube amps with a great pair of D-amps he created from a kit (I think has a fan site) and I gotta admit they give the VTL's a run for their money and certainly beat them in terms of speed and dynamics. Given the kits were sub $500, I think we'll see more great D-amps to come. I tried the Bel Canto M1000's but they were a bad match for my system.
New to Audiogon since April 2010 isn't new. And the initial post was not as much a question as a statement that was not true.

I would be more tolerant of an innocent question compared to an inaccurate statement. There is already too much misinformation and repetition on this site.
Some of you guys (gals maybe-not you Elizabeth, you're cool) need to learn to be nice. I'll bet you'd have better manners if Nordic587 asked you face-to-face. Jeez.

I've been a music lover and hifi hobbyist for almost four decades and it still seems like there are sharks lurking to pounce on my posts sometimes. I'm a big strong guy and I could probably kick your butt.