TRL Dude Dilemna

Based on all the high praise for the TRL Dude preamp here and other sites, I took a chance and bought one from a local A-goner to see if it could displace an Air Tight ATC-2 preamp currently in my system. The two amps I currently use are a McIntosh MC-402 and Viva 845 SET Monos. It turns out that the Dude is not compatible with either amps due to an impedance mismatch. So I only got to hear the Dude in a compromised performance mode.
I was not quite wanting to give up on the Dude yet given everyone else's enthusiasm about its performance. I am considering the Samson monos as a natural match. I can convince myself that the Samson's could be better than the MC402..My real issue is that I would have to give up the Vivas. Not sure I can make the leap that a solid state amp will satisfy me as much as those SET Vivas. Then there is the leap of faith that I cannot hear the Samsons with purchasing them....
Has anyone replaced their SET amp with Samsons and remained satisfied with the decision? My speakers are the Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3 which are about 90db efficient with an impedance 6.5 Ohms, +/- 0.75 Ohms 150Hz to 20kHz. Thanks for your input..
Does anybody think that the balanced version of the Dude will solve the problem?
No, it is an impedance mismatch having nothing to do with single vs balanced connections. If the Burson is really transparent, then it may be a great solution. I guess I doubt the Burson is not changing the sound? I do know for sure as I have not tried one before.
It is difficult to tell if the Burson is adding any coloration since I cannot just take it out of the chain . I am comparing it to the Air Tight / Mc402 combo
So I spent some time this past weekend listening to the Dude-Burson-Viva combo. While I cannot assess the impact of the inserting the Burson AB160 since the Dude is incompatible when it is directly attached to the Vivas. What I did determine was that the SET magic and "thereness" was still evident with the Burson in the mix. It seemed more dynamic than the Air Tight/ Viva combo...but that is probably the contribution of the Dude.