Pass Labs XP 30 VS Ayre KXR Pre

Pass Labs XP 30 VS Ayre KXR preamp. The winner is?
Sfstereo, I know they are in different leagues, but how did you feel about the XP-10 after having the KXR in your system?

It was difficult to go back to hamburger after tasting filet mignon. It forced me to look for a new preamp and that was how I ended up with the Ref 5SE. The XP-10 is a very good for the price, especially at used price.
05-14-12: Tmsorosk
Ayre, by a large margin.

interesting comment coming from soneone who hasn't even heard the
I've now heard these on several occasions.

Depending on yor system/room interface, you might pick the Pass if you are looking for a slightly warmer forgiving sound.

You might pick the Ayre if you are looking for a more dynamic, involving sound.

Both are great, among the very best ss preamps.
Thanks to all who responded, ended up buying the Ayre KXR Pre. Got it at a great deal!! Super performer housed in a single chassis box, Built like a tank, Am truly in heaven.