Phono pre direct to amp, what am I missing?

I have only one source in my system (turntable) and don't plan on adding any others. I'm thinking of getting rid of my integrated amp and was curious about running my phono pre direct to a standalone amp. I guess my question is, what am I missing by not having another pre-amp in the middle? Is the pre-amp just acting as an expensive volume control knob when using only an external phono pre? if that's the case, I would rather spend more $ on the amp and maybe even upgrade my phono pre to the next level with the money I would have been spending on a pre-amp.
If you have enough gain, and only want to run the phono stage, the only thing you're "missing" is a layer of coloration/distortion. One-source systems are tailor-made for running directly into the power amplifier, as long as, as has been mentioned by others, you have sufficient gain to get the listening levels that you want.
I run the Coincident Statement Phono directly into my monoblocks without issue.
it would be a K&K phono stage running into a yet to be determined tube amp, maybe a BAT or ARC.
also, how much total gain is needed to make things sound "right"? I mostly listen to rock based music at moderate levels.

12-24-11: Vortrex
also, how much total gain is needed to make things sound "right"?
It is not necessarily any needed gain. Sometimes there is just something else going on that makes it sound right. Maybe it is the blend of two components used together that make up for the others weakness. It could be a needed colorization that make them work together well. All gear is colored, in my opinion. I'd like to know why, but don't. I don't like extra components, or paying for them, especially if I don't need it. I'm just in the hobby, no money being made here. Try the direct approach, and if it sounds great, go for it.