Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
Read Karl Marx, and as some smart guy once said, People always get the type of Government they deserve.
Its kind of sad to be of an age where I've personally witnessed the decline and now, downward spiral, of our economy. It needn't be this way: other courses were and are readily available. Its a failure of will on the part of the electorate to fully participate (by simply paying attention and voting) and the rise of sociopaths in positions of power in industry with the means to buy off politicians. It happens to every great and small country at every stage of our existence. Take any form of government, be it a dictatorship, a monarchy, a democracy and pull away the facade and you'll find oligarchs. Oligarchs are nothing more than people who've amassed great fortunes and are willing to use some degree of coercive violence to keep it. That violence can manifest itself from retinues of personal mercenaries and standing armies to something as ubiquitous as a tax code.

There's lots of window dressing that we all fall for.
01-04-12: Pubul57
What car is built in SC? I'm going to buy one!
BMW for one

As with many countries, both good and bad products come from China.
Post removed 
It's a global economy now and will become more so as time goes on. Its the natural progression of things. Other than complain, not much choice but to get used to it and adapt. Change is hard.