Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.

What's drivel is your lack or personal responsibility and blaming the wealthy, Big Pharma, the Republicans and anyone else you can think of for your place in life.

And my personal attacks are juvenile? It was you who started attacking all of the above, which may include me and others here, as well. I guess it's okay to attack folks by proxy as long as you intentionally avoid doing it directly. At least I speak my peace directly.

Sure - I'm the unhinged one. Not sure if you noticed, but it's not me who is here complaining, "Poor me, the rich are ruining my life."

Hey, it's much easier to be a victim than to be a success. Just keep on complaining about how unfair things are and I'm sure your lot in life will improve.

The cold hard truth is that if someone has more than you - it's not their fault. But you don't like the truth do you? It makes life much easier for you if it's someone else's fault, right?

Man, am I sick of the whining that life is not fair and that some have more than others. Sheesh.
Plenty of blame to go around......

Lazy people, get up off your butts and do something.

Overachieving, greedy elitists, have some compassion for those who need it.

"Nobody's Perfect, all of the time"
No perfect reason...
No perfect rhyme...
No perfect audio gear... (OK I made this one up)

(Mike and The Mechanics).
Fiddler, (with apologies to Mapman, who's right, but I just have to retort)

It's amazing just how much you read into what I've said (a classic form of deflection) and sorry, but all of what you attribute to me is way off the mark. Sounds like this has been building up for a long, long time. Silly me for playing with the cork. But when that cork is stuck in my face, play with it I will.

What about the figures I gave you? Wasn't that what we were talking about?
Many successful people automatically assume that person complaining about social injustice has to be unsuccessful. They just cannot comprehend that other people, like Warren Buffet, see more than themselves.
They can compehend it,they just choose not to,in favor of feeding their
insatiable ego