Do I need BOTH amp and pre to be sonic holography?

I have Carver TFM 35 amp and C6 pre. I was considering replacing Carver pre with McIntosh C35 pre. Would I still have the sonic holography with just the Carver amp, and any thoughts as to whether this might be a worthwhile change/upgrade? (I'm not concerned with a tuner at this point.)
No. The sonic holography is built into the preamp. Not the amp. The other option, if you really like that feature, is to pick up a stand alone Sonic Holography unit. They were the Carver C9. I see them pop up from time to time. I actually still have one sitting in the closet. You should be able to get one pretty cheap.
Can you please define what you mean by "sonic holography". I may be able to give some useful input, but I want to be clear about what we are talking about.
Sonic Holography was one of Bob's ploy's to get people to purchase his products. These names really meant nothing.