Thanks to everyone who responded, especially Magfall for clarifying "digital" from class "D" Thanks to Swanny for the BC reference M1000 tip, but that is more than I can spend.
I will try to find a McCormack DNA 0.5 deluxe(100RMS) and have it upgraded to a REV B which is $575 on SMc current price sheet; upgraded to the REV A is $1000. Is it worth the extra $425?? Let me know if you have made these upgrades to the same amp. My other concern is the .05's power after the upgrades Jim
I will try to find a McCormack DNA 0.5 deluxe(100RMS) and have it upgraded to a REV B which is $575 on SMc current price sheet; upgraded to the REV A is $1000. Is it worth the extra $425?? Let me know if you have made these upgrades to the same amp. My other concern is the .05's power after the upgrades Jim