The best integrated amplifier

Hi All
Right now I am using a Marantz PM-KI Pearl amp to drive Esoteric MG-20 speakers. I feel that a better amplifier would give them a bit more get up and go. I would like to stick with an integrated and have short listed:
Pass Labs INT-150
Moon 700i
Audio Research dsi150
GammuT Di 150
As a starting point for auditioning. Now to the question:
Is there anything else I should put on the list?
Any experience with the products listed would be helpful.
Zeke, the amps you have listed are not so powerful risking you leave speakers underpowered. For what it's worth, JRDG C-500 give you much more power. Compairing a more powerful amp to a lesser, should probably make you nod towards to one with more power. JRDG won't give you a "bloom" but rely more on your cdp and speaker cable to set the sonic ideal. C-500 is very neutral but not sharp. If you have a large room, i would not go for those you listed. I would myself try the C-500 and a wise choice of speaker cable. Next step from that is a combo of pre/power amps.
Luxman should be on this list.

Teajay, have you heard the new Modwright 200? That is one nice looking integrated and whats more is something like that can really simplify ones system. Of course you can get the preamp/Amp in one box but also a USB DAC too. I know it is 200 watts, which is great, but what about current?
If you don't add Ayre to your audition list, you would be doing yourself a great disservice.
OP, are you working on the assumption that you will need at least 100 watts come what may?