shindo aurieges ....

i have devore nines speakers .
i like to know how good is this preamp ,if i compare it to anothers good amp like : EAR868 ,OR CONRAD JOHNSON 17 and others goods preamp?
like to know if shindo aurieges is good for is price or i can get better for this price range of 3500-4000 $ ?
and last thing i read here that shindo aurieges preamp have high impedence in is output ,what will be good for this preamp (if you can please give me names of good combination with shindo aurieges in price of 2000-2500$ range) ??
I demo'd DeVores in 2008 at Sound by Singer with a solid sate amp and a digital source and just didn't understand all the hype. Mind you, I had just demo'd some Sehring speakers and thought the Sehrings were far better for less money. In any case, I thought the DeVores sounded pretty unforgiving with solid state amplification and a digital source. If DeVore voiced his speakers with a warm tube preamp and amp, I would certainly lean towards buying the same amp.

It is very unlikely DeVore gets paid by Shindo (although DeVore started out as a salesperson at Sound by Singer, which is a black mark against him in my book.). I think he just caught on early to the move towards efficient speakers and low powered tube amps, and Shindo has a cult following in that area of audio.
Hi Gopher, no it wasn't your comments per se, but it did spark the thought. I believe my sentiments are similar to yours in most ways/cases. I certainly did'nt want to offend, if I did I apologize.
I have to say that I just don't see the Shindo sound as being "coloured" or "old school". I listen to very little jazz or chamber music or anything of the sort - it's mostly indie rock for me.

I find it hard to describe Shindo as lacking in detail. When I compared Shindo preamp with VTL amp to all Nagra, it was the Nagra that seemed to be smoothing things over - whereas the Shindo/VTL combo really allows you to focus in on details deep into the soundstage. Similarly, I found the Shindo/VTL combo to have better inner detail than an Ayre combo I auditioned as well.

I know this is getting off topic a bit, since I have no experience with the EAR unit - but IMHO, the Shindo sound is a very detailed sound. What the Aurieges lacks compared to its higher-end brethren is a few "layers" of tonality and some frequency extension - making it sound a bit "thin" compared to other Shindo pieces. Keep in mind...that's not "thin" compared to other gear - Shindo seems to specialize in layers of supreme tonality, and the Aurieges just does a bit less of that then their other preamps, so it doesn't sound as thick as they do.
im understand that shindo aurieges fail alittle in compared to other shindo gear.
i still not sure if the shindo aurieges for is budget is value for the money or just the name talk???
i still not know if the shindo aurieges better then the ear868 preamp ??
and im not understand is the shindo not so detailed ??
and last question what is good comb with aurieges (i read here that is output is very high impednce and he need amp with input of 20 multiplie)? give me good comb with shindo that is not expensive (budget of 2000$)
I use a Butler amp with my Shindo Aurieges. The Butler input is 47k and the Shindo output is 5k ( Importer says it is actually lower on another thread) , never had any problems. Also used with the original Belcanto 1000 which on paper is a horrible mismatch but never seemed to have any trouble. Matt at Pitchperfect said if you keep your IC short it would be OK and offered money back if I was not satisfied. Pulled the system to a higher level so I still have it. Only looking to upgrade along Shindo line at this time.

The only preamps I compared with the Shindo were Manley Shrimp, Quicksilver, and the Belcanto Pre 3.

Hope this helps and good luck.