Calvinj, my concern is that this thread gives me a hint that we could be heading into the $100k power cord very soon if this "newest High Fidelity cable of the month club" does not calm down. Then I will need to sell my 3 Lamborghinis to achieve the utmost in performance in audio cables.
I put a power cord on an integrated amplifier yesterday and it improved the sound so much that it transformed the whole component.I can say the same exact thing about the Dream State Dream Catcher power cord. Even the CAT JL-3 amps finally responded to a PC and these amps pretty much have unmatched power supply design in the first place. I snatched up a bunch of these in the $1k or so used market and never looked back. This is crazy cost alone. But when we let the industry take us to $15k power cords, something is clearly wrong here. Hell I can get a mighty nice 5 or so years old Mercedes S-Class for two such power cords.