Stereo and Fish tanks - noisy need help

I have recently added a 240 gallon freshwater tank in my listening room and it looks incredible. However it is very noisy and has taken away alot of the musical enjoyment. Is there anyone out there that is running a fish tank in their listening room? Is it quiet? What equipment are you using? Any feedback would to helpful!
What kind of fish are you keeping? I was going to build my aquariums into my stereo room but was afraid of the noise and left them outside the entrance in a kind of fish lobby room.
The biggest canister filter that you find is the FLUVAL FX5. It's rated for up to 400 gallon fish tank. I don't know how quiet it is. You can search an aquarium forums.
Everyone thanks for your suggestions. I guess there is hope for a quite tank. Eheim & Fluval will be checked out. Any other recommendations?
Don't forget to use an appropriate audiophile grade power cord. The pump will have a vanishingly low noise floor. Inner detail and micro and macro dynamics will be out of this world.
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