Wyred4Sound vs. Channel Island

Anyone with experience having compared the W4S monoblocks to Channel Island monoblocks? My speakers are Magnepan 1.7s.
I don't have direct experience with the W4S mono's, but purchased a W4S ST-1000 while one of my CI D200's was out for repair (whole other story). My original plan was to sell the Channel Islands. I ended up selling the ST-1000 and keeping the CI monoblocks. Why? They just flat sound better ... more natural and warmer - as solid state goes. The W4S stereo amp was a bit bright for my tastes. As further point of reference, I've owned tube mono's, but they lacked slam and punch when called for. They only other digital switching amp that I found better than the D200's (by a very slight margin) was Nuforce, but they were more than double the price at the time. Hope this helps.
I own the CI Audio D 500 mk 2 and have heard the W4S but in a different system. The CI system (mine) sounds much better. Not much of a comparison I know but I can tell you the CI's are some of the best amps Ive ever heard or owned.