Big 2 channel Amp OR Smaller 6 channel and TRIamp?

Speakers: High end w/TRI-AMP binding posts.

Which amp scenario would you choose?

A - 2x300W Discrete Amp, use jumpers to connect 3 posts together on each side and run 2 speaker wires to each speaker.

B - 6 or 7x100W Discrete Amp, no jumpers, run 6 speaker wires to each speaker.

Speakers are KEF Reference 203.1 but that shouln't matter for discussion sake. The above scenarios could be applied to biamp speakers as well.
Same old, same old. (A) without doubt.

With scenario (B), your woofers would see only 100w.

1. Depends on crossover points.
The 50:50 energy point is about 350hz.

2. Can the amp make full power with 6 channels driven, or more likely, somewhat less than rating.

Depending on cross over point and amp permitting, you may even want to bridge a pair of channels for the lows and simply biamp.....
For the KEF Reference 203.2 (could not easily find the specs for the 203.1), the LF crossover is 300Hz in these speakers and sensitivity is 89dB/2.83v/m so the woofer eats half the power and the power rating is 50-200w. So, I would guess, again, that the 300w amp would be the more effective solution.
