$2000-$3000 integrated with DAC ???

Anyone know of $2000-$3000 integrates with a built in DAC...?
The more digital inputs (USB, Coax) the better.
Another option may be the Rega Brio R and Rega DAC. Yes, it's 2 seperate components, but they're half width. Put side by side they probably wouldn't take up any more space than a full width integrated.

Naim's watts go a long way. The Uniti can drive any reasonable speaker in an average room to pretty loud levels. Don't expect rock concert levels while driving something like an ATC or Dynaudio Contour though. The Qute's 30 watts are more than they seem too.

Brings up a good point though...

How much power do you need? What speakers are you driving or plan to drive?

I have very little experience with them, but Wyred 4 Sound released or will soon release a small integrated with digital inputs. I briefly heard about it in a CES write up.
Not sure why, but my response to your question did not show up yesterday.

The C7r is 60watts (8ohm) and 120watts (4ohm). The amp section in this integrated is based off of the Ref150s amp.
Thanks guys. It's more a matter of cost-effectiveness than shelf space. Currently, I'm driving a pair of Piega c8's with a Pass x150.5. I recently sold the Pass and the Piega's may follow...Sold off an Ayre Pre....just going for one, coft effective box. Wedding coming up so need to get liquid..!
Anyone have experience with the Musical Fidelity A 1008 Integrated? Seems like it might be interesting (lots of watts, digital ins, tube buffer stage)