400-450Wpc Integrated to drive Thiel 2.3/2.4?

I fear my Musical Fidelity A308 at 300Wpc into 4 ohms isn't powerful enough to drive the Thiel 2.3 or 2.4's effortlessly and with enough authority as I'd like, so I'm throwing a net out there to see what other integrateds might work well.

I went from separates to this integrated, but if i'm buying the speakers and a new amp/preamp I can't afford it all right now.

Looks like the Bryston 4B's are well regarded as matching to these speakers, but at around $3K, then I'll need upgraded interconnects and a decent pre - I'm looking at a $5-6K outlay for it all, instead of (hopefully) just the speakers and a good integrated. I guess I'm looking at an integrated in the $2-3K range. Or should I save for a bit longer and go the separates route?
What about the bigger Musical Fidelity integrateds? They have much more power than the 308s. My NuVista M3 did so much better on my friends Wilson Sasha [ a very difficult load] than his Mac 401 that he sold it. Any of them should have no problem with the Thiel.
Have you heard the A308 with the Thiels? If not, I'd certainly give that go before deciding you need more power. Especially with the 2.4's, I think it might be more than adequate.
I power my 2.4s with a 45 wpc CJ CAV50 and I love the sound. I can get it plenty loud when I need to. These are moderately sensitive with a measured 98 dB figure so don't worry too much about power. It's the quality of the power that really matters with the Thiels.