hi everyone.
i have devore gibbon nines speakers.
i decided to buy amplifer for my speakers ,after alot of question here on audiogon what amp to buy i decided to go with leben (i hope i will be not dissapointed),my budget is max 4000-5000$. i think in this price range i cant buy shindo pre +power :-((
so not i consider what will be good value for the money cs 300x or cs600 ? all i know is that cs600have alot of power more but what will be more good to my speakers 300x or 600?
i have averge living room about (5 meter on 4 meters) i hear all kind of music rock alot and quiet music but not classic music.
so what the diffrent between them and what will be the best comb with my devore nines speakers 300x 0r 600 ???
thanks alot hope to hear about it
Well, I did own a stingray for a short time. I really would not put it in the same league as the lm audio. It was ok for it's price point, but not an over achiever like the LM. And to clarify, the LM is only $1650.
sebrof hi my friend.
like to know what will be better with my devore nines speakers LM audio or LEBEN CS 600 OR 300? pls explain more i wanna the end point to my question please.
thanks anyway my friend hope to hear from you
I just read through all of this and maybe it's me, but I don't understand what kind of sound, or changes in sound, you are looking for.

I am a prior Devore Super 8 and Nine owner. I understand the strengths and opportunities of the line but I don't see what you are trying to accomplish.

Sorry for my ignorance if I missed something.

A few answers:

1)I found that the 300 could power most rock. It is used by Zu and DeVore in demo purposes. I heard it at In Living Stereo in NY and it easily played the rock format.
2) The 600 will have a sweeter tone next to the Shindo. I prefer it over Shindo, which seems to be made for jazz and classical.
3) LM is made in China. There are better alternatives for you, including Decware in the US and Almarro in Japan. You should also look at Luxman. The N100 amp is a steal.
Chinese gear has no resell. Luxman has highest resell, next to McIntosh.
03-04-12: Bolero32
"sebrof hi my friend.
like to know what will be better with my devore nines speakers LM audio or LEBEN CS 600 OR 300? pls explain more i wanna the end point to my question please.
thanks anyway my friend hope to hear from you"

Bolero - Since you mentioned the Stingray and I have heard it on 2 different types of speakers (easy load sounds great, more difficult load not so great) I thought I would mnention.
Sorry but little experience with the Leben and none with the Devores or LM.