Ayre V-Kxe and Thiel 2.4s

Anyone heard this combo?

I've been waiting for an appropriately priced Pass Labs 250.5 to pop up, but the wait has made me consider some other alternatives. In my conversations with Pass, they've steered me away from lower power options (e.g., the 150.5), so I'm concerned that the V-Kxe won't have enough power to really push the Thiels. However in reading over the positive Stereophile review of the 2.4s, I think much of the listening was done on the this amp. It does save me quite a bit of cash over the Pass 250.5 though.

Any opinions are welcome (along with other amp suggestions). Thanks folks.
I appreciate the followup information. I`m not surprised with the superior results you realized with the lower power Pass amplifier .
The thing about the Ayre amp is that not only is it a great sounding amp, but it is absolutely stable into difficult loads...and doubles its output with decreasing impedance. Note, as I mentioned above, its best sound comes from using it in balanced mode...which means a balanced preamp.
Well, it's been a while but I thought I should finish off this thread. The 30A ended up beating the X250.5. It was more natural sounding, with a little less harshness to the sound, although with poorer bass control (as everyone would expect). Voices sounded much more natural through the 30A and the soundstage and imaging were also better. It actually didn't take too long to make that decision.

I also replaced my REL Storm with a Thiel SS1 (and passive crossover). The SS1 definitely integrates better and is less boomy, although there are times where I feel that the REL made a slightly better band-aid for the bass issues I've experienced. Because it wasn't perfectly crossed-over, it overlapped a bit with the Thiel 2.4s and hid some of the bass a bit more than the SS1 does.
Thanks for the update. I'm not at all surprised that the combination of the 30 and Thiel subs provided the most satisfaction. Enjoy!
Looking for an update- All

anyone using an Ayre amp w/ Thiel loudspeakers?