Jolida 502 KT120 tube swapping

Having been told by the nice people at Jolida that the 502 transformer can handle the KT120's "filament requirements", I wondered if any Jolida-philes out there have tried them in either the 502BRC integrated or 502P (what I have) power amp, as they're apparently similar circuits. I'm tired of reading about how groovy the KT120 is and plan to try 'em eventually just to stop the madness and have some extra tubes around.
SO...I put the KT120s in the 502P..and they work swimmingly. It is a LARGE tube in every way. Just more of everything...power (hard to say how much, but it's there), better, sweeter treble...more overall tonal range across the board. They do run hotter of course, but highly recommended at least until my amp blows up! (Talked to Jolida again and Mister Allen says no worries...and he's the warranty man!).
Hey Wolf

In order to get the KT120 into the Jolida 502P did any special modifications have to be done to it so that KT120s could be used in place of the 6550s? Was it just drop 'em in run the EZ-Bias? Also where did you get the KT120 tubes? The more I look at the Jolida 502P and reading about it I keep thinking about getting one.

Other than the "upgrades" they did on the amp before shipping there are no mods...I just dropped the 120s in and I bias them to the 502P specs and check it with my trusty Radio Shack meter just for the hell of it (a compulsion, but I'm getting better at not burning my fingers while poking the probes into the test port), even though the "ez bias" works well...In fact, now that the KT120s have settled in it sounds better than I noted in my last post, just fuller and brighter. Highly recommended! I bought the 4 "matched" tubes from "Ctech" on Ebay mostly because of their price, and they're on the East Coast so they shipped really fast. I don't think there's anything to risk buying one of these amps as they seem to be an insane bargain for something that sounds this good.
Upon reading this thread I tried the KT120. Its almost 2 weeks now and I really like it a lot!

Just wondering what pre-amp tubes should I use? I got a recommendation from a Jolida tech that SED (Winged C) is a good option. Have someone tried it?

Thank you for sharing!
There are a LOT of "small tube" suggestions around...I'm using "preferrd" 7025s (12ax7) from thetubestore, and recently added a pair of Mullard 12at7/4024s. Jolida's Jerred likes GEs, Michael Allen likes Phillips Mini Watt tubes...I like whatever sounds good and doesn't cost a fortune.